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6 CHANGED: Aliases
Illegal aliases
Clipper 5.01 accepted database aliases that were
not valid Clipper identifiers. These aliases were
then inaccessible. Clipper 5.01a detects illegal
characters in the alias and produces an EG_BADALIAS
A legal identifier can contain alphabetic
characters, numbers, or the underscore symbol (_);
but must begin with an alphabetic character.
If you open a database and the file name is not a
valid identifier, the implicit alias will be an
invalid identifier and an error will be generated.
The following illustrates this:
USE $Temp1 // Illegal alias "$TEMP"
The following example correctly opens such a file:
USE $Temp1 ALIAS Temp1 // "Temp1" is a valid alias
Duplicate aliases
Clipper 5.01 did not generate an error when a
duplicate alias was specified. Clipper 5.01a
generates an EG_DUPALIAS error if you attempt to
create an alias identifier that is already in use.
An example of a duplicate alias:
USE Accounts
USE Accounts NEW
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Written by Dave Pearson